
Bassotunnit Espoo - Rytmimusiikkiopisto Tauko
  • Group size 2-4
  • Teacher Timo Pekonen
  • Location Olari
  • Teaching days Tue, Thu
  • Lukukausimaksu 380;-

Bass lessons in Espoo

The semesters follow the vacation schedules of the elementary schools and includes 15 weeks of teaching, as well as one matinée and workshop week. At the end of each semester an extra lesson will be offered for students to compensate for any lesson they may have missed earlier in the semester. The semester fee includes voluntary music basics -lessons; the theory lessons are held at Olari on Monday or Thursday evenings. On top of this matinées are organized every semester – small concerts in which students get to practice performing. Unfortunately not all students can fit in the matinées, but everyone is always welcome to the audience!